Annette Boyle (MAICD, BSW, GDipED) is an experienced Counsellor and Educator. Annette has been providing Professional Supervision for a number of years. She believes in the importance of sharing her 25+ years of knowledge and specialised experience of Intuitive Development to individuals such as social workers, counsellors, teachers and other community service professionals. Annette has specialised in Intuitive Development which includes assisting clients to integrate their intuition into their life, their goals and decisions and assisting upskill professionals in developing not only their intuitive intelligence but their clients.
Intuitive Development.
As a practitioner assisting clients to have strong intuitive intelligence will assist them to excel in life goals, make the best decisions and has a profound influence on our level of wellbeing.
Intuitive Integrative Counselling.
Intuitive Integrative Counselling combines intuition and intuitive intelligence with traditional types of therapy such as; Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Dialectical Based Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Family Systems Therapy, Humanistic Therapy, Mindfulness that emphasises the importance of being your true self to lead the most fulfilling life.
Professional Supervision $150 p/hr
Group Supervision (min 3 participants) $50 each p/hr
Group Supervision concession/student $40 each p/hr
Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD)
Bachelor of Social Work (MAASW Membership (1996-Current)
Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary- Careers) 2002
Juris Doctor Law (partial completion) 2004
Rites of Passage Facilitator Training
Mindfulness in the Classroom
Working With Children Card (Current)
Chair Imagined Futures Youth Initiative working Group (2020-current) (view here imaginedfutures)
RightByYou Ambassador (view here amp-nine)